Soon, Penn State football will be featured on a weekly HBO show titled ’24/7 College Football.’
Earlier last month, rumors began to spread about HBO ramping up their famous Hard Knocks show for October. Except for this time, it’s not an NFL team in training camp. Instead, they are bringing on the show titled ’24/7 College Football.’
When the rumors got started, apparently there was a chance that Penn State football was going to be involved. Sure enough, that will happen. As of Wednesday, HBO announced the four lucky programs who will have camera crews following their team around for a week in October.
First on the list is the Florida Gators. The second is Penn State. Third and fourth will be Arizona State and Washington State. The series is set to begin on Wednesday, October 2nd, and will wrap up with their final episode on Wednesday, October 23rd.
Penn State’s storyline will be surrounded around their week leading up to their matchup with Purdue. Considering the amount of personality on Penn State’s team, their episode should be quite entertaining to watch. Here are four things to look forward to for the second episode of the series surrounding the players of Happy Valley.