Trial By Fire–Episode 1

VBR is happy to announce the start of a new feature on the site. On a semi-regular basis we’re going to cover the topics we find the most interesting around Penn State and the Big Ten. On top of that we’re going to be bringing it to you in a casual format. Think of this as a written Podcast (which we may get to someday). Read it as you see fit, and don’t be afraid to take sarcasm with a grain of salt.

Ben–I think football practice started or something like that. I’m not really into this football thing. 

Paul–Who do you think will emerge as the starting QB? I personally would love to see one of the freshmen step up and take the reins but that’s just me… Ill all for letting these high high recruits on the field ASAP

Ben–I think there is something to be said for how Paul Jones played. That being said, Newsome went 9-14 and a TD last year and everyone was excited. And this year he didn’t look as sharp. The Blue-White game is a good way to see if you’re really really bad, or really really good. I’d say 75% of the time you’re just watching a vanilla 11 on 11 drill.

He has talent, but you don’t want to rush him in there if he isn’t ready. If I could pick the QB today, I’d pick McGloin or Jones. I like how McGloin approaches the passing game. He’ll need to limit his turnovers, but he’s a gunslinger. Something about a young Brett Farve excites me. Mostly because he’s still years from retirement. I’ll be happy to see Newsome succeed. I’m just not sold that he’s the man.

Paul–Completely agree…I think Newsome’s skills and talents remain to be seen, but I did not like how the offense looked with Newsome at the helm, it didn’t seem like they had a ton of confidence in his decision making last year.
Ben—The draw plays may have been more due to the score when he was playing, but there isn’t a doubt he has things to prove.

Paul–Unfortunately I think there is a something that we can learn from O$U

Ben–Arm punts?

Boom goes the dynamite

Paul–They threw Pryor into the fire and they had some rough times (including arm punts, I’m still not sold that he is a great passer) but look at the Rose Bowl he had, and now he is a Heisman favorite.

Ben–He won’t win it, but that’s beside the point. I do agree that trial by fire can be the way to go, even more so when the talent pool isn’t overflowing. I have heard Robert Bolden could make an impact in the long run, but he’s obviously not in that position now.

Paul–Yes on Bolden… that could be one advantage of having Newsome or McGloin start.. it gives the two freshmen more time to battle it out to see who will emerge as the next QB

Ben–Even more so since this year is pretty much a rebuilding year. They’d have to be really impressive to knock Newsome off the top spot. Joe doesn’t change it up like that too often.

Ben–Personally I think the most interesting piece of news that has gone down this past week was Chris Allen dismissal from the MSU by Izzo. It wasn’t a surprise, since he’s been in the dog house, but he still led the team in 3 point % plus he’s a great defender

Paul–I had not heard that at all… wow… I just gasped out loud. I think that is really really good for the team though… MSU is still loaded but any type of discord in a stalwart program like that can only be good for the rest of the Big theory.

Ben—MSU has a lot of talent coming in so they shouldn’t miss his offense as much as his defense. He was a really strong defender.


Paul–yeah… Izzo will undoubtedly make this right, he has done more with less than any other coach in the nation over the past couple years in my opinion. I mean… look at Roy Williams… He gets the same or better recruits than Izzo and we saw his lack of results last year.

Ben—Not to mention he doesn’t even have a Memphis style salary cap

Paul–haha exactly… he doesn’t have the bags of money, houses, or tractors for his recruits which also reaffirms what a great coach and representative of MSU Izzo is

Ben–Speaking of talent, Kevin Coble is skipping out on his senior season, which really begs to question why Talor Battle couldn’t be a front runner for POY. I mean, it’s him Lucas, Hummel, and maybe Jajuan Johnson. maybe. But is there really a player in the league THAT much better? Evan Turner was on a different level, but the Big Ten is lacking a guy who is leaps ahead of the rest of the league

Paul—I agree the only thing that will hurt Talor once again is all the other guys we mentioned are on top 25 teams. Like it or not, that automatically puts them above Talor if they have the same or slightly less impressive stats

Ben–Yea, I think that’s the thing. If Penn State doesn’t win he’ll have to put up amazing numbers to have a chance.

Paul–yeah…He would have to put up Curry-type numbers,basically unless we are winning Talor will be judged like he is on a mid-major

Ben–Which really isn’t fair, Curry played against Mid-majors. Battle is playing against a Top 25 team every night. Nothing against Curry, since he’s balling in the NBA, but wins shouldn’t be the biggest factor. Best player is the best player 

Paul–Unfortunately that’s how it is… its the same way with major league baseball… MVPs almost never come from losing teams. Plus…winning teams get more exposure in the media, so the best players on the best teams are known by the entire nation instead of just in their own conference or by draft gurus.

Ben–Damn you ESPN.